
Monday, September 10, 2007

Current Events

Write a short summary of the latest news you've read online. Remember to use Standard American English writing conventions. (No IM language, please.)


mizzstina said...

the news artical i read wuz goood it talks about how bin latin relased his 1st video in 3 years its very intersted n i really dont understabd some of the words butt i get the point of the artical,and it talks about all the things bin latin wants 2 do and talks about his life and his furture.

Anonymous said...

The article I read today was abot Osama Bin Ladin . most;y they were writing about how thos was the st video he has send the US in three years. The video was him telling us (the americans) "to convert to islam ifthey want the war to end "

- Karen Bajana PD 2

Anonymous said...

my name is Lynnette and I picked an article about the terrorism attacks of 9/11 and how new videos are coming out because its the latest thats happening in our country and its something that is still going on in our country and we are living in a time where is a civil war thats been on for awhile and after 9/11 just alot has been happening and were the ones in the middle having to be in this type of things that we shouldnt have to go through its just something i been concerned for for a really long time since 9/11 because its somethin thats really crazy.... Its somethin that touched me deeply after watching a show about just everything that this country is going thru!

Drakeno said...

The conflict of the middle east, a situation that happened in isreal because of the jewish settlements more and more people had began living there the United Nations had began ordering the seperation of the land into jewish and arab states. in response of military attacks more than 700,0000 arabs had fled their countrie causing things to go grave.

Anonymous said...

the article that i read was about Global Warming Causes Ice Melting In Alaska, Polar Bears Become In Danger of Extinction.david hernandez

Anonymous said...

my name is kevin jimenez andi read about 9/11. it was very itresting . they are also updating the videos of it. i would like 2 learn more about 9/11. i seen the first vedio when my mom picked my up from school and my teachers had the radio on i am very intrested on 9/11

Anonymous said...

The News article i read today was bout the win Chivas usa had over the NYC red bullsz.The game ended with a win of 3-0.This was the first ever win from the chivas usa over the red bullsz since the MLS started.gahlino was the scorer for the first two goal,and later on a penalty kick was made to make a score of 3-0.this is what my article was about.

Kayesean said...

The Article i just read was about Oprah Takes on New York City , Oprah is moving her show to New York City. Oprah's first guest for her new show which airs 9/10/07 will be David Letterman and she will also be talking about the victims of 9/11 .

Anonymous said...

I read a artical about how Brett Favre had Moss convinced Green Bay would be a great place to play and the receiver was excited about playing with the future Hall of Famer. Raiders owner Al Davis definitely wanted to trade Moss to the Packers; he hated the idea of sending him to Bill Belichick and the Patriots. He was going to be traded but he wasn't because the other team doesn't want to lose their teams good player. The actical was also about how the game was played and how the one month football player shows his stuff.

Anonymous said...

The article that i was reading in class today was talking about how Osama Bin Ladin had a new tape out after 3 year of not releasing one. osama was taking about if the American accept Islam then the war in Iraq would come to an end.

by:Hakeem Dinmahmad

Gregory831 said...

Ms Sakhno I read the same article as anonymous...and i agree with her them with the fact that alot has been happening ever since 9/11 and that we are stuck between what is happening.

christina321 said...

i read a artical about 911 and its very sad and i saw a movie about all the people that died and i so glad that i did not lose no 1 i love that dayyy this is a very sad momment

s.delima said...

The economical impact on the lower Manhattan area was devastating. As a direct results of the attacks 30% of the office space in the area was destroyed or damaged. And of course after every major plane crash air travel was heavily affected as well for it was already in dire straits. This event was probably the turning point in the bankruptcy of certain airlines.

eduardo said...

The article I read today was about AL qaedas new attacks on America.AL Qaeda calls this attack the "Bing Bang".The bomb is one of the holiest sites for Shiite Muslims set off violence all across the country that left hundreds dead.

Anonymous said...

The artical I read is about the 9/11. 6 years ago, there were 19 terrorist who worked together to crash a into the World Trade Center. More than 3000 Americans were dead. Firefighters and others saved others life's, keeping their life in danger. This shows how bold the Americans are. After 4 years, Bin Laden appears in the public. He sended a vidoe taped that recorded him addressing the people who helped him in the hijack of the plane. This event has brought hope to bring a new life in the country. People are posting comment on 9/11, saying that they would help the government and the people that needs help.
