
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11, 2001

Look at the picture to your right. What does it represent? Make up a title for this picture.


Drakeno said...

I would call it "The Depression Of The United States", Because as it shows in the picture of a eagle, the eagle actually represents the symbol on the United States, and it is crying because of the destruction that is occuring to the buildings.

Anonymous said...

I think the picture represents the sadesed day in new york history september 11. I think the title should be when the towers fell.

Anonymous said...

the eagle represents freedom and libertyi the USA ,but in this case since it has a tear in his eye it must mean sadness to the USA.the eagle has a tear in his eyes because in the back of the picture you see the twin towers burning down .I think that the best name for the picture would be eagle in SADNESSSS

- Karen Bajana PD 2

Damien M said...

what i think the picture represents is all the people who died in the world trade center and all the people who tried to save them.The picture reprensents peace in the world but with all these terriosts in the world attacking us.All the people and the fire fighters who risked there lives tring to save those peoples lives.Rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

I think the picture talks about the sadist day of peoples life september 11 2001 when the twin towers fell.The title such be The sadness of 9/11/01. :[

shameka said...

I think the eagle represents the united states of america and it was a tear coming down the eagles face because of what has happend on 9/11 and it was a terrible thing that has taken place, it is a very sad day.

monsterman said...

it represents Americas deaths in the World Trade Center.
I call it THE CRYING EAGLE of America

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Sakhno, I read about the september 11,2001 tragity. It was a bout when the bulding went down people are starting to get sick because of the toxic dust. They also have talked about building rhe new towers. They talked about Flight 93, when 40 passangers were trying to stop the hijackers from taken over the plain. Those who suffered on this day Sept 11 they are having like a ceremony, who risked there lives to save others and also to the firefighters, police men and names during the ceremoney, city workers who participated in the cleanup, construction workers, volunteers, and medical examiner's officials who recovered remains were involved. It said that "In all, 2,974 victims were killed by the Sept. 11 attacks: 2,750 at the World Trade Center, 40 in Pennsylvania and 184 at the Pentagon. Those numbers do not include the 19 hijackers."

Never forget 9/11 <3


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the picture represent, the sad ness of the people that died in 9/11.The picture should be called "The Saddest Day in America".

Hkeem Dinmahamad

Anonymous said...

I think that the picture represents how america was really sad that 9/11 had accured because many people had died.that is why I think the was cying,america.

Jeffrey Alvarado period 4

Anonymous said...

Hey,kevin mora
I would call this picture sadness of USA. The picture represents the sadness of the united states after 9/11. The bald eagle represents the freedom and liberty of the Usa, and the tear on the eagle is the sign of sadness of all the people that died in the planes, also the people in the building, and the firefighter police and more that try to save the people in the building. the burningn towers are just a sign of what happened.

Anonymous said...

The picture represents how sad people were when the towers was destroyed. I would name it The sun
sets when the towers decend.

Anonymous said...

good title for this picture will be'' everything die'sor the U.S.A''... for me this is a sad picture that even the eagle is criying for the lost of the victim in the 9/11 that day will be remember in our heart and the eagle is representing it......A other good title will be '' the eagle cries for what happened''....

by: sandra nieves

Anonymous said...

i think in the picture represents people crying because the eagle is other national animal and its cryin about what happened in September 11. And the name should me tears of us .

By: angie zapata

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms Sakhno,

I would like to start off by saying that I do respect this day unlike other students. In 7th grade when i did a report on 9/11 i kind of understood why people feel so horrible about this day. Well I did and would write more but i think this is good enough. Have a good day !!


jordan412 said...

Title:Loss of The United States

I think the picture represents the Loss of The United States because we loss fellow fireman and workers.

Anonymous said...

the picture definitly represents the sadness and destruction of the twin towers the eagle that's in the picture is looking at the destruction of the twin towers i think the title should be called the destruction of twin towers

Anonymous said...

title: Tears of our eagle

I think the picture repersents the tears of all the losses of the victems.I also think that the picture repersents how even people that didnt lose anybody is still hurt of what happen to the twin towers that what i think the picture means and what it repersents David Hernandez

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i think the eagel repersents our country. he is sad because the bad things that happen to us. the damage that happen n people that died he shows how sad we are about serpetmber 11,2001.

kevin 8 peroid

Anonymous said...

the picture represents how the united states feels and how it still hurt after the attacks on september 11.the eagle equals the united states,and its sad about the lifes it has lost.

Anonymous said...

the title should be called "the tear of a brave eagle"

Anonymous said...

The picture shown in the blog is that the eagle is crying and I think that it show the sadness of our bird. I would call it the "Our birds dream blow made into Oblivion."

Joseph Alvarado

Anonymous said...

I see a bold eagle crying because of the events in 9/11. The day was scary for alot of people and very sad because alot of people died because of the hijackers and osma bin ladin he is a bad man

Anonymous said...

the picture on the right is an eagle crying becuase of wat happened to the World Trade Center.
it represents that wat happened in 9/11 is wat happened to thier families lost thier husbands their son and daguters and thier friends. when i saw that day the wtc fell i was crying

Anonymous said...


THE PICTURE in the right to me represents the lost of people and sadness that occured on september 11, 2001. the eagle represents THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CRYING IN TEARS AND IN THE BACKROUND THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. THATS WHAT THE PICTURE REPRESENTS TO ME.

Anonymous said...


THE PICTURE in the right to me represents the lost of people and sadness that occured on september 11, 2001. the eagle represents THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CRYING IN TEARS AND IN THE BACKROUND THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. THATS WHAT THE PICTURE REPRESENTS TO ME.

Anonymous said...

The picture represent the sorrow that was given on the 9/11. We still remeber the people that died on that emotional day. The eagle showed that we "American" are strong and brave. The tears in his eyes showed that we are very sorry about what ever happen and hope that their soul rest in peace. The picture at the back shows the world about what happen.

Dorje Sherpa

KathY20 said...

The Eagle represent liberty and freedom.9/11 is a day that no1 will forget. That when alot of people lost there life nd people who risked there life for saving other people.

Anonymous said...

THE PICTURE in the right to me represents the lost of people and sadness that occured on september 11, 2001. the eagle represents THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CRYING IN TEARS AND IN THE BACKROUND THE WORLD TRADE CENTER. THATS WHAT THE PICTURE REPRESENTS TO ME.