
Friday, January 8, 2016

Homework for 01.09-10 weekend

Read Chapters 13 & 14. Choose ONE questions to answer in your reading logs. 
What social and philosophical changes is Hawthorne describing in this chapter?
What social and philosophical changes is Hawthorne describing in this chapter?
Compare the initial intent behind the scarlet letter to the actual effect on Hester.
What image is Hawthorne evoking with Chillingworth, old, one shoulder higher than the other, digging up roots and collecting leaves, etc. in the forest?
What is Hester’s response to the announcement that the Council had debated allowing her to remove her scarlet letter?
How is the doctrine of predestination reflected in this conversation between Hester and Chillingworth?
What pleas of Hester’s arouse sympathy and admiration in Chillingworth?
Saturday Regents prep - 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. We will concentrate on multiple-choice questions: types, tricks, format, etc.  Come!

January 26th is the ELA Regents day. I am celebrating at the Met. Join me! Turandot is playing at 8 p.m.
For more information, Metropolitan Opera

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