Please click on this link to view the list of New York City museums. We live in the best place on earth when it comes to culture (and food and people). We are going to visit two. Spend some time exploring the rest. Most of the time, you get student admission at a discount or free altogether.

In the very least, go see my lilies at MoMA. Sit in front of them and give yourself at least 15 minutes. Keep looking...
If you like music, turn on Debussy's Clair De Lune. Enjoy!
1 comment:
Whether such close continuity in terms of patterns of leadership and political power-holding make it possible to define Jordan as having entered a new epoch post-King Hussein is difficult. There were, Cheap Jordan Shoes, in the first few years of Abduallah’s reign, popular expectations of change. There was a belief that a new, young, dynamic leader, free of much of his late father’s ‘political baggage’ (especially in terms of regional antagonism) might accelerate a programme of political liberalisations - initiated and then frozen if not reversed by Hussein.
As part of a popular wish for sweeping reform many hoped that the new monarch would lead a campaign against corruption in high places, tackle a faltering economy with vigour and resolve and put rule of law and respect for democracy and human rights at the top of his agenda. Air Jordan Shoes,In so doing he was also expected to replace or to see that his assumption to the throne might be an opportunity to replace the late King’s former advisers with a new ‘liberal’ elite of ministers and senior officials. This has not strictly been the case. The King has maintained ‘continuity’ by making a virtue out of keeping officials who served his father. ‘In fact, many people around me were groomed by my father, and their backgrounds arc clear to all’, stated Abdullah as he responded to sustained criticisms in 2008 that he had surrounded himself by ‘liberals’ who were a danger to the country and its economy (Abdullah,2008). Advocates of political reform, moreover, Retro Jordans, have grown more despondent as Jordan has been compelled to sustain dependencies not only on the United States but also on the conservative pro-Western Arab regimes of the Gulf.
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